Service Times and Classes


Team Ministry Training Class

What is 'Team Ministry Training'?

Our church is working on establishing 6 ministry teams: Teaching, Compassion, Youth, Facilities, Action, and Worship. These teams are focused on helping each member use their spiritual gifts to serve Jesus and spread the gospel.  Pastor Mike is leading the team ministry training.

What should I wear?

We believe that it is important to wear something that honors God. It doesn’t need to be fancy though just modest! Come with an open heart ready to hear God’s Word!

Who can attend?

During the month of January we are meeting in a group to learn about team ministry, so anyone can attend. After January, we will be splitting up into individual teams, so you will need to join a team to attend with that class.

When is the class?

The class is on Sundays starting at 10 am!


Sunday Services

What happens during the Sunday services?

During morning worship we start with prayer and announcements, and then start the worship portion of the service. In the worship service, we first take up an offering where people may worship with giving. Then we proceed to worship God in song. After the worship portion of the service, the preaching portion of the service begins, where Pastor Mike or a visiting preacher preaches the message God has given them for the congregation. The service ends with an invitation, or a time when anyone is welcome to come to the alter and pray.

What should I wear?

We believe that it is important to wear something that honors God. It doesn’t need to be fancy though just modest! Come with an open heart ready to hear God’s Word!

When is the class?

Sunday Morning Service: 11 am

Sunday Evening Service: 5 pm


Wednesday Night Young Adult Bible Study

What do you do for your Wednesday night Bible Study?

We gather in a small group setting and study God’s word together. Currently, the teacher for the Bible study is Andrew Gothard a graduate student at Tennessee Tech University. 

What should I wear?

We believe that it is important to wear something that honors God. It doesn’t need to be fancy though just modest! Come with an open heart ready to hear God’s Word!

Who can come?

Since we are a young adult group we ask that people who come are graduated from high school and either in college or under 30. 

When is the class?

Wednesday night at 6 pm!